This is from an Elegant Themes blog post, where they also give some other method options:
/*** Take out the divider line between content and sidebar ***/ #main-content .container:before {background: none;} /*** Hide Sidebar ***/ #sidebar {display:none;} /*** Expand the content area to fullwidth ***/ @media (min-width: 981px){ #left-area { width: 100%; padding: 23px 0px 0px !important; float: none !important; } }
Where to paste the CSS snippet
Navigate to Divi>Theme Options and at the bottom of the default “General” tab, paste the CSS snippet into the “Custom CSS” box and save changes.
Child Themes
We recommend using a child theme. It is your insurance against losing your custom work in updates.
Click here for instructions on adding a basic Divi child theme with a stylesheet (for custom CSS).
Click here to learn more about child themes and getting the most out of the Divi theme.